Work faster, smarter, and more efficiently with our ready-to-go machines.

AI is transforming the tech industry, and it's going to transform your experience too. Just ask Cypher, and let it handle the heavy lifting.

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AI-Powered Tools: Enhance code quality and security assessments with Cypher's intelligent assistance.

Customizable Machines: Set up your machine the way you like it, pre-configured to feel like home.

Prefer a Terminal Over VSCode?: Just one click, and you're all set—no need to launch a new machine.

Moving or Going Local?: With one click, you can export your entire setup as a Docker image to use anywhere else.

Need GPU Power?: Just ask, and it's available for AI or any other use case.

Secure AI Interaction: Cypher doesn't access your files unless you tell it to. Place what you want to share in the 'Data' folder in $HOME, and Cypher will assist you based on those files.